Hocam sistem admin hesabına girince sorunsuz çalışıyor fakat farklı bir hesaba girince loading kısmında takılı kalıyor sebebi nedir acaba. Client syserr'de şöyle oluyor.

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0518 02:43:23780 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0518 02:43:23781 ::   File "networkModule.py", line 247, in SetGamePhase

0518 02:43:23781 ::   File "game.py", line 99, in __init__

0518 02:43:23782 ::   File "interfaceModule.py", line 288, in MakeInterface

0518 02:43:23782 ::   File "interfaceModule.py", line 172, in __MakeWindows

0518 02:43:23783 ::   File "uiInventory.py", line 262, in __init__

0518 02:43:23784 ::   File "uiInventory.py", line 400, in __LoadWindow

0518 02:43:23784 ::   File "uiInventory.py", line 468, in SetInventoryPage

0518 02:43:23785 ::   File "uiInventory.py", line 558, in RefreshBagSlotWindow

0518 02:43:23785 :: UnboundLocalError
0518 02:43:23785 :: :
0518 02:43:23785 :: local variable 'lotNumber' referenced before assignment
0518 02:43:23786 ::
uiInventory.py 558. satırda yazan kodları verebilir misiniz?
uiInventory.py 558. satırda yazan kodları verebilir misiniz?

Buyur hocam;

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self):
        for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE):
            slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)
            itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)
            # itemCount == 0이면 소켓을 비운다.
            if 0 == itemCount:
            elif 1 == itemCount:
                itemCount = 0
            itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber)
            setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount)
            ## 자동물약 (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) 특수처리 - 아이템인데도 슬롯에 활성화/비활성화 표시를 위한 작업임 - [hyo]
            if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum):
                # metinSocket - [0] : 활성화 여부, [1] : 사용한 양, [2] : 최대 용량
                metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]  
                if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex:
                    lotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex
                isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0]
                if isActivated:
                    potionType = 0;
                    if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum):
                        potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP
                    elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum):
                        potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP                      
                    usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1])
                    totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2])                  
                    player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i))

        if self.wndBelt:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
olması gerekiyor

sizdeki kod blogu
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
                if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex:
                    lotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex

yapmanız gereken

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
                if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex:
                    slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
olması gerekiyor

sizdeki kod blogu
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
                if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex:
                    lotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex

yapmanız gereken

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
                if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex:
                    slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex

teşekkürler orası gözümden kaçmış :)
Hocam Locale_tr den mi yoksa uiscripten mi çektiğini nasıl bilebilirim ikisinde de inventorywindow.py var ben de ikisine eklenince 3 ve 4 kulllanılamıyor itemleri 3e giyiyor üzerine giymek yerine
root/uiinventory.py dosyasınızı okuyun. Nereden çektiğini anlarsınız. Vanilla halinde locale_tr'den alıyor.
root/uiinventory.py dosyasınızı okuyun. Nereden çektiğini anlarsınız. Vanilla halinde locale_tr'den alıyor.
Hocam benim ilk defa gamesource üzerinde yaptığım düzenleme olduğu için game 'i build ettikten sonra usr/game'in içindeki shareya atmayı bilmiyordum biraz bakınınca buldum ve kullandığım altyapılık olduğu için sanırsam ikisini de düzenlemem gerekiyormuş yani her şeyi sorunsuz yapmışım game dosyasını atmak dışında ha bu arada benim gibi bu hataya düşen olursa shareye attığımda eski dosya ismi neyse o şekilde attım ben böyle çözdüm hatalı olabilir kimseyi yanlış bilgilendirmek istemem iyi forumlar herkese
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0519 23:24:13507 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
0519 23:25:24861 :: Unknown Server Command bedensel_oto_bec 126 | bedensel_oto_bec
0519 23:25:24878 :: Unknown Server Command buyulusilah_oto_bec 127 | buyulusilah_oto_bec
0519 23:25:24878 :: Unknown Server Command ejderha_oto_bec 128 | ejderha_oto_bec
0519 23:25:24878 :: Unknown Server Command iyilestirme_oto_bec 129 | iyilestirme_oto_bec
0519 23:25:24894 :: Unknown Server Command karabuyu_oto_bec 130 | karabuyu_oto_bec
0519 23:25:24894 :: Unknown Server Command uzak_oto_bec 132 | uzak_oto_bec
0519 23:25:24894 :: Unknown Server Command yakin_oto_bec 133 | yakin_oto_bec
hocam 4 envanterden sonra sanırım bunları almaya başladım bir sorun mu acaba daha önceden questlere uzak skill alma atmıştım ama kaldırdım ve 4 envanter atınca bunları almaya başladım
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0609 05:01:03791 ::
networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
introSelect.py(line:30) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
interfaceModule.py(line:12) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import

networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiInventory.py, line 557)

0609 05:01:03791 :: ============================================================================================================
0609 05:01:03791 :: Abort!!!!

Aynen bu hatayı alıyorum nasıl çözebilirim.
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0609 05:01:03791 ::
networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
introSelect.py(line:30) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
interfaceModule.py(line:12) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import

networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiInventory.py, line 557)

0609 05:01:03791 :: ============================================================================================================
0609 05:01:03791 :: Abort!!!!

Aynen bu hatayı alıyorum nasıl çözebilirim.

uiinventory.py dosyanızdaki 557. satırı ss olarak eklermisiniz
Tab hatası yapmış. "unindent does not match any outer indentation level" şu cümle bunu anlatıyor.
Konuda anlattığım kodları düzgün bir şekilde uygulayınız. char_item.cpp'de değişecek bazı kodlardan 2 tane oluyor. Konuyu atlamadan okursanız hangi kodlardan iki tane olduğunu yazdıydım
Konuda şu kısımı aratın. Ve altında her iki kod var. Bu koddan iki tane var. Onları uygulayın.

Server/game/src/char_item.cpp dosyasını açın ve IsEmptyItemGrid fonksiyonu içinde şu kodu aratın;
Not: Aynı fonksiyonda 2 tane oluyor. 2 sinide göstereceğim şekilde düzenleyin.
Giriş işlemi yapılıyordan sonra karekter seçim ekranına gelmeden atıyor @Whistle
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
1022 00:47:00436 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]
1022 00:47:10268 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/etc/football1.gr2
1022 00:47:10311 ::     한국무쌍버젼(#2    ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10317 ::     광륜팔괘패+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10318 ::     광륜팔괘패+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10318 ::     광륜팔괘패+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10319 ::     광륜팔괘패+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10320 ::     광륜팔괘패+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10320 ::     광륜팔괘패+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10321 ::     광륜팔괘패+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10321 ::     광륜팔괘패+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10322 ::     광륜팔괘패+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10324 ::     광륜팔괘패+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10338 ::       위치기억부(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10338 ::           이동부(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10338 ::           생명부(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10340 ::           환생부(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10342 ::           가리비(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10342 ::         청가리비(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10343 ::         황가리비(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10345 ::         홍가리비(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10345 ::         녹가리비(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10346 ::           황주석(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10346 ::           청주석(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10347 ::           청신수(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10347 ::           황신수(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10348 ::           홍신수(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10348 ::           녹신수(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10349 ::         연청신수(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10349 ::         연황신수(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10350 ::         연홍신수(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10350 ::         연녹신수(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10351 :: 웅귀의 황금어금니(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10353 ::    사막의 거미줄(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10353 ::  톡쏘는 전갈꼬리(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10354 ::   유랑 어머니 약(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10354 ::    웅귀의 송곳니(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10356 :: 도자기착색용유약(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10356 ::    사막의 거미줄(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10357 ::    후안소의 편지(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10357 ::  톡쏘는 전갈꼬리(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10357 ::             장어(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10358 ::        밀교 경전(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10358 ::           괴질균(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10359 ::      괴질 치료제(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10359 ::    행상인의 편지(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10360 ::    사귀의 보석함(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10367 ::      VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10373 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10373 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10374 ::   Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10375 ::   TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10375 ::      Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10377 ::    소리나는 방울(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10377 ::    오랑캐 수송서(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10378 :: 오랑캐 보스 편지(#40007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10380 ::       선물보따리(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10380 ::       승마수련서(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10381 ::     용각보물상자(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10381 ::       영석보따리(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10383 ::         석창포액(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10383 ::       영지버섯액(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10384 ::         만병초액(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10386 ::       산뽕나무액(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10386 ::         민들레액(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10387 ::         홍화씨액(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10387 ::           대추액(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10387 ::     삼지구엽초액(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10388 ::           빈약병(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10388 ::    활심액 제조법(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10389 ::    피독수 제조법(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10389 ::    보환수 제조법(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10390 ::    영보수 제조법(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10390 ::    진피독 제조법(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10391 ::    활심액 제조법(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10394 ::             불경(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10395 ::      용신의 지원(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10396 ::      동료와 회포(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10397 ::     전광판보따리(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10398 ::       경험의반지(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10399 ::      축복의 구슬(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10400 ::         만년한철(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10400 ::    야공의 비전서(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10401 ::         주안술서(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10401 ::        용신의 환(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10403 ::      용신의 공격(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10404 ::      용신의 방어(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10405 ::    용신의 축복서(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10406 ::         돈주머니(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10407 ::             백지(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10407 ::           빈물통(#90001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10408 ::             물통(#90002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10408 ::             보석(#90004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10409 ::             영석(#90006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10409 ::             광석(#90007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 00:47:10568 ::
networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
introSelect.py(line:30) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
interfaceModule.py(line:12) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
uiInventory.py(line:5) <module>
system.py(line:137) __pack_import

networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>:No module named changelook

1022 00:47:10568 :: ============================================================================================================
1022 00:47:10569 :: Abort!!!!
Son düzenleme:
Hazır dosyalar mı attınız mı? changelook isimli modülü bulamadığını söylüyor. Başka filese ait dosyaları atmayın. Konuda anlatılanları tek tek kendi dosyalarınıza uyarlayın.
Hazır dosyalar mı attınız mı? changelook isimli modülü bulamadığını söylüyor. Başka filese ait dosyaları atmayın. Konuda anlatılanları tek tek kendi dosyalarınıza uyarlayın.
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
1022 01:33:00419 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]
1022 01:34:05679 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/etc/football1.gr2
1022 01:34:05720 ::     한국무쌍버젼(#2    ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05726 ::     광륜팔괘패+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05726 ::     광륜팔괘패+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05726 ::     광륜팔괘패+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05727 ::     광륜팔괘패+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05727 ::     광륜팔괘패+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05728 ::     광륜팔괘패+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05729 ::     광륜팔괘패+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05729 ::     광륜팔괘패+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05730 ::     광륜팔괘패+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05732 ::     광륜팔괘패+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05746 ::       위치기억부(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05746 ::           이동부(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05747 ::           생명부(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05748 ::           환생부(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05750 ::           가리비(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05751 ::         청가리비(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05752 ::         황가리비(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05754 ::         홍가리비(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05754 ::         녹가리비(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05755 ::           황주석(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05755 ::           청주석(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05755 ::           청신수(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05756 ::           황신수(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05756 ::           홍신수(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05757 ::           녹신수(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05757 ::         연청신수(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05757 ::         연황신수(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05758 ::         연홍신수(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05758 ::         연녹신수(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05760 :: 웅귀의 황금어금니(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05761 ::    사막의 거미줄(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05761 ::  톡쏘는 전갈꼬리(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05763 ::   유랑 어머니 약(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05763 ::    웅귀의 송곳니(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05763 :: 도자기착색용유약(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05764 ::    사막의 거미줄(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05764 ::    후안소의 편지(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05765 ::  톡쏘는 전갈꼬리(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05765 ::             장어(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05765 ::        밀교 경전(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05766 ::           괴질균(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05766 ::      괴질 치료제(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05767 ::    행상인의 편지(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05767 ::    사귀의 보석함(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05773 ::      VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05780 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05780 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05781 ::   Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05782 ::   TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05782 ::      Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05783 ::    소리나는 방울(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05783 ::    오랑캐 수송서(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05783 :: 오랑캐 보스 편지(#40007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05785 ::       선물보따리(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05786 ::       승마수련서(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05787 ::     용각보물상자(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05787 ::       영석보따리(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05789 ::         석창포액(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05789 ::       영지버섯액(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05790 ::         만병초액(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05791 ::       산뽕나무액(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05792 ::         민들레액(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05792 ::         홍화씨액(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05792 ::           대추액(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05793 ::     삼지구엽초액(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05794 ::           빈약병(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05794 ::    활심액 제조법(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05794 ::    피독수 제조법(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05795 ::    보환수 제조법(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05795 ::    영보수 제조법(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05796 ::    진피독 제조법(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05796 ::    활심액 제조법(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05799 ::             불경(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05800 ::      용신의 지원(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05801 ::      동료와 회포(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05802 ::     전광판보따리(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05803 ::       경험의반지(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05803 ::      축복의 구슬(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05804 ::         만년한철(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05804 ::    야공의 비전서(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05805 ::         주안술서(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05805 ::        용신의 환(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05806 ::      용신의 공격(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05806 ::      용신의 방어(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05806 ::    용신의 축복서(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05807 ::         돈주머니(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05809 ::             백지(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05810 ::           빈물통(#90001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05811 ::             물통(#90002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05812 ::             보석(#90004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05812 ::             영석(#90006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05812 ::             광석(#90007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
1022 01:34:05951 ::
networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
introSelect.py(line:30) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
interfaceModule.py(line:12) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import

networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unexpected indent (uiInventory.py, line 373)

1022 01:34:05951 :: ============================================================================================================
1022 01:34:05952 :: Abort!!!!
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